Fraud-Free Culture: The Power of People in Fraud Prevention

SAP Concur Conversations podcast cover art
Technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can be powerful anti-fraud tools. So can clear policies and rules. But the savviest organizations also recognize the crucial role that people play in the anti-fraud equation. That’s because “fraud is a human problem. It’s not an accounting or a financial or a transactional problem,” says Andi McNeal, the Vice President of Education at the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). In fact, in her experience, an ethical and compliant corporate culture “may be the most critical component of an entire anti-fraud program.”

In this episode of the SAP Concur Conversations podcast, Andi joins Jeanne Dion, Vice President of the Value Experience team at SAP Concur, to discuss how to protect your organization from fraud. Together, they explain how cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robust policies serve as formidable defenses, and underscore that the true linchpin in fraud prevention is an ethical corporate culture built on trust. Listen in for research-backed strategies for safeguarding your organization against fraud.