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neylux CFDi Connector

Avoid fraud and errors by automatically validating XML receipts (e-Invoices)

The neylux CFDi connector helps companies avoid errors and fraud by validating electronic invoices issued in Mexico (CFDi v3.3 and v4.0), in near real time and before expenses are recorded in your financial system.

After submitting the expense reportin Concur Expense, the connector will validate each e-Invoice attached and provide the status of each receipt, whether it is a valid/invalid e-Invoice.

This action will enable the accounts payable personnel to return the expense reports and avoid fraud within the organization with double or fake e-Invoices.

The CFDi Connector helps to support travelers, approvers, and accounts payable personnel comply with government regulations and save time.

  • Process integrated to Concur Expense for the validation of electronic invoices
  • Avoid presenting duplicate, false or canceled electronic invoices
  • Helps organizations to comply with Mexican tax regulations through the authentication of invoices, avoiding fraud
  • Streamlined process for validating e-Invoices

To learn more, submit a request for information to contact neylux.

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Works with these SAP Concur solutions:

  • Expense - Standard

  • Expense - Professional

  • Invoice - Standard

  • Invoice - Professional

Regions Available: