This is a product page headline / maximum of 100 characters

The subhead is optional and should contain supporting information about the product or service with a maximum of 200 characters including space with punctuation.

Value prop

Designed for companies that aren’t ready for a fully-managed travel program, Concur Hipmunk™ simplifies everything from booking to expense reports. With Concur Hipmunk you can:

  • Access exclusive business travel discounts
  • Let employees plan travel the way they’re used to
  • Gain visibility into travel spend
  • Seamlessly integrate with Concur Expense and TripIt Pro

Value prop example 2

This version – with copy on one side and an image or video on the other – is the most common version of this module. Copy should focus on what value the product brings to the audience.

If you need an image or editing to an existing image for this module, please create a JIRA ticket and include the Design label. That way, the design team will know it’s web-related, but a task they need to pay attention to.

Anchor link to form on page

Tiled module for details about features, related products, etc

Each of these tiles should include a link and are built using HTML.

This is a product feature tile

A sentence right here should give the user a teaser regarding the feature. The link below should go to either the product feature page (if there is one) or to an asset in the resource center.

A link

This is a product feature tile

A sentence right here should give the user a teaser regarding the feature. The link below should go to either the product feature page (if there is one) or to an asset in the resource center.

A link

This is a product feature tile

A sentence right here should give the user a teaser regarding the feature. The link below should go to either the product feature page (if there is one) or to an asset in the resource center.

A link

This is a product feature tile

A sentence right here should give the user a teaser regarding the feature. The link below should go to either the product feature page (if there is one) or to an asset in the resource center.

A link

This is a product feature tile

A sentence right here should give the user a teaser regarding the feature. The link below should go to either the product feature page (if there is one) or to an asset in the resource center.

A link

Form asset inline


You can add some text here if you want

But you don’t have to, no pressure. Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatloaf tri-tip leberkas flank corned beef sausage strip steak kevin porchetta jowl. Meatloaf tenderloin pork loin bacon. Prosciutto pancetta picanha tenderloin bresaola strip steak ribeye venison.

How can we help you?

Have you used a SAP Concur product at a previous employer? *

Fill in the fields below and a sales representative will contact you.

Required fields *

This works for just logos and links, but no copy - sits 2-6 across

Related products, case studies or social content

This can be a subtitle.

This is the same module as the one for features

These sit 2 or 3 across so there's space for both images and copy.

Read More

This is the same module as the one for features

These sit 2 or 3 across so there's space for both images and copy.

Read More